We were thrilled to have our homestudy written and ready for submission earlier this week. The homestudy process can be lengthy and we feel like we got through it this time fairly quickly. But then, our social worker called this morning to tell me that my fingerprints had been rejected and I need to redo them. This isn't uncommon, although it does make the process take that much longer. I wish the government agencies would switch to electronic fingerprinting, and then share that information between agencies. The paper fingerprinting takes a long time and is one of the many redundancies in adoption.
When I spoke with our social worker this morning, she also said that we should get to work on our dossier paperwork soon because the wait for toddler boys is "short." I don' know if that means that there are ten families waiting ahead of us or zero. Yikes! Our timeframe of coming home sometime near spring break might be significantly shortened. That news is exciting but certainly not expected.
When I was pregnant I signed up for a weekly update with information about each stage of my pregnancy (i.e. your baby now has ears or his/her lungs have formed etc). I couldn't wait for those updates and even though those updates kept me really distracted when I was at work, there was something reassuring about the certain path of development. Adoption is the opposite, if it were an email, it would say something like, "Your babies ears were there, but have now disappeared and you have to wait for new ones to grow and we don't know for sure how long that will take." The one thing that is growing is my ability to be patient.